Ebenezer Revival Church

  • Welcome to

  • Our Mission

  • Uplifted in Christ

About Us

Welcome to the Ebenezer Revival Church. We believe that your visit to this site is not by chance, but by God’s great divine plan. If you are looking for a Malayalam, church or if you’re visiting London, our church family welcomes you to have fellowship with us. Come and experience the awesome power of the living God. Let’s work together, hand in hand and capture this great city and nation for Jesus Christ.

We believe that your visit to this site is not by chance, but by God’s great divine plan. If you are looking for a Malayalam, church or if you’re visiting London, our church family welcomes you to have fellowship with us. Come and experience the awesome power of the living God. Let’s work together, hand in hand and capture this great city and nation for Jesus Christ.

Ebenezer Revival Church bases itself on the complete principles of the Bible. It’s our hope and humble prayer that you will be truly blessed and touched by Almighty God. For more information, directions, and prayer requests feel free to contact us!

What We Believe


There is only one God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinite in being, perfect in holiness and love.


Is the inspired and only infallible written Word of God. Divine inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts of the original writings.


The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal and only begotten Son of the Father, is true God and true man. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin birth.

Our Pastor

Sabu Varghese

Pastor Sabu Varghese was born and raised in a Catholic Christian family in Kerala a state of India, after his college education, he moved to The Middle-East. During the time he heard the call for the ministry and passion for the dying souls and he surrendered his life to the savior Jesus Christ. He married Silvy and is blessed with three daughters Steffy, Esther and Priscilla. During his career in the Middle East he held various IT management positions in multinational companies.  Also, he held and attended many meetings and training in more than 22 countries. While pursuing his career by faith he started a church in his house without any members, and he spread evangelism from house to house and friends to friends without fearing anything. 

My dear Friends: Are you searching for happiness? Has life become meaningless? Perhaps, you have lost your job, or lost your family, are you looking for deliverance in particular issue. Maybe you have become addicted to alcohol or drugs in the search for happiness. You may have lost your ambition or even your faith in other people. You may feel there is nothing left in life and nowhere to turn. But listen; there is good news for you JESUS CHRIST! He can offer you eternal happiness. He is able to change your life completely, and fill your heart full of joy and peace which will never be faded. Jesus said, “Come unto me all you that labor and heavy laden, I will give you rest.” He is the answer to all your problems. Would you come to Him? I take this opportunity to invite you to Ebenezer Revival Church and we will pray for you.